Flight Deals
Seattle to London – $360
Written by Anomaly Flights
Here’s a great flight deal from Seattle to London, England for only $363. This is $480 cheaper than usual according to Google Flights! We found tickets for this price from October 2020 – March 2021. The cheapest deals we found are on Icelandair and they include your carry on and personal item for free. Expect to pay extra for a checked bag.
Deals like this do not last forever… we estimate this fare will be available for 24-72 hours.
If you are new to traveling and need a few tips on how to book with Google Flights, click here!
This is a sneak peek at our premium service which allows you to select your nearest major airport for the best deals from that airport every week. If you never want to miss an incredible flight deal leaving from your home airport click here to become an Anomaly Flight Club Member.
We are thrilled to help you find the greatest travel opportunities available. We would love to hear about the trips you take, so let us know if you book these tickets! If you have any questions please feel free to email us! Happy travels!
Your Anomaly Team
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